HART - proven for process automation
Get more from your HART devices by employing us as your project partner.
HART is an industrial standard with a very large installed base worldwide. It is a “smart” technology, i.e. it supports the simultaneous transmission of a 4...20 mA analog signal and digital communication over the same pair of wires.
In almost all applications the HART signal is used for parameterization only. With the appropriate tools, however, HART puts continuous device monitoring, real-time device diagnostics and multi-variable process information for new and old devices within your grasp.
Your HART benefits

Exploit the potential of HART with us as your partner:
Over 20 years experience with a proven technology
Comprehensive range of HART measuring instruments
Advanced diagnostics and intelligent multivariable devices
Simple commissioning and device management
Simple integration into control systems
Auxiliary hardware and handheld
Worldwide service and support
Device integration
There are three basic ways of integrating the measurements provided by HART devices into a control system:
Point-to-point connection of the 4...20 mA signal
Connection via a remote I/O or HART multiplexer to a superordinated bus system, e.g. PROFIBUS
On rare occasions, connection of a HART multidrop bus to a HART I/O card
Only in the two latter cases is the full device information available to the control system.
Device operation and management
HART device information (parameters, status etc.) can be accessed by:
An FDT frame, e.g. FieldCare, which requires a so-called DTM for each device type
A DD/EDD operating tool such as Field Xpert SFX350/SFX370 handheld, Asset Management Solution (AMS) and Process Device Manager (PDM)
We offer DTMs, DDs and EDDs for all our HART devices and ensure they are integrated into the above-mentioned tools.
Device drivers and certificates
The device description files and certificates can be obtained from the download area of each product.
HART – solutions for device management

FLEX 선택 | 기술적 우수성 | 단순성 |
Fundamental 선택 기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족 |
기술적 우수성
Lean 선택 핵심 프로세스를 손쉽게 처리 |
기술적 우수성
Extended 선택 혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화 |
기술적 우수성
Xpert 선택 가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족 |
기술적 우수성
구성에 따라 다름 |
Competence brochure HART technology
HART technology - simple and effective, economical, easy to use.
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