Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure에서는 레벨계 및 압력계 생산과 기술력에 있어 전세계적으로 손꼽히는 선두 기업으로, 세계 각지에 2,000여명의 임직원들이 종사하고 있습니다. 프랑스와 스위스 국경 근처 말부르그(Maulburg)에 본사가 있으며 카셀(Kassel)과 스탄스돌프(Stahnsdorf)에도 법인을 운영하고 있습니다. 미국의 그린우드(Greenwood), 중국의 쑤저우(Suzhou), 일본의 야마나시(Yamanashi), 인도의 아우랑가바드(Aurangabad) 및 브라질 이타티바(Itatiba)에 위치한 생산 센터에서는 맞춤형 제품의 최종 조립 및 교정을 담당합니다.
Production facilities
Production facilities
We are continuously investing in manufacturing excellence. Our certified manufacturing facilities help us deliver our core competency - the most innovative, highest quality measurement devices.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities
There are always two sides to working with Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure - the professional and the personal. Together, they add up to a more rewarding career, day in and day out
Production expertise
Production expertise
State-of-the-art production facilities and the latest manufacturing technologies as well as a unique test center safeguard the highest degree of quality of our level and pressure products
Innovation award
Innovation award
Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure is a recipient of the 2021 TOP 100 Award which recognizes innovative small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Supplier information
Supplier information
Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure supplier information
New campus in Maulburg
New campus in Maulburg
Endress+Hauser invests 100 million euro in the Campus 2030+ project at its Maulburg production site.
Endress+Hauser SE+Co. KG
Endress+Hauser SE+Co. KG
Hauptstrasse 1
79689 Maulburg
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