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product picture of the emission monitoring solution Combiprobe CP100

Combiprobe CP100
particle measuring device

Combined measurement of dust, volume flow, pressure, and temperature

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가격: 정보 제공

사양 정보

  • Measured variables

    Dust concentration (after gravimetric comparison measurement), gas velocity, gas pressure, gas temperature

  • Process temperature

    –20 °C ... +200 °C

  • Process pressure

    –70 hPa ... 10 hPa

적용 분야

The Combiprobe CP100 is the combination of a DUSTHUNTER SP100 dust measuring device and a FLOWSIC100 PR flow measuring device. The combined probe also features a pressure transmitter and resistance thermometer. The Combiprobe CP100 only requires a single mounting opening in order to measure the dust concentration, volume flow, pressure and temperature. This means that there is considerably less outlay on installation than if the individual components were to be installed separately.

  • Emission monitoring

  • Monitoring of heat treatment and extraction systems

  • Process monitoring within the chemical industry

Device properties:

  • No need for mechanical adjustment

  • Self-testing with the automatic control cycle

  • Simple configuration and operation with easy-to-use software

  • For gas temperatures up to 200 °C

  • For funnels with an internal diameter of 0.7 m and above


  • Easy to install complete solution for detecting dust emission and the emission-related benchmarks of volume flow, pressure and temperature

  • Low operating costs due to the measuring devices' long maintenance intervals

  • Durable and reliable components

  • Scattered light dust measuring device and volume flow measuring device that have been performance-tested according to EN 15267

Xpert 선택

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Fundamental 선택

기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족

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Extended 선택

혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화

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Xpert 선택

가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족

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