EtherNet/IP fits your process needs
Leverage instrument information to enterprise level
Using standard Ethernet for networking throughout your process automation system can help you solve critical business problems by allowing you to:
Access the data you need, providing business leaders with a real-time view into their process automation system. Capture your instrumentation data and distribute them across the production enterprise. Facilitate critical analysis and reporting on production processes in order to identify potential and impending problems, improve overall performance.
Advantages of EtherNet/IP technology
Seamless integration into control systems with direct EtherNet/IP connection
Easy access to process variables, device and diagnostic data
Convenient device configuration and process optimization
Cost-effective, fast system integration due to fewer network components
Preferred integration with Rockwell Automation
Reduce risk, implementation time and integration costs by using preferred integration tools.
Value-added integration
Custom Add-On Profiles (AOP)
Add-On Instructions (AOI)
Pre-designed and configured operator faceplates
Dedicated integration documents
EtherNet/IP transforms your data into information
Competence brochure EtherNet/IP
Using standard Ethernet for networking throughout your process automation system can help you solve critical business problems.
파일 크기:
파일 이름:
FLEX 선택 | 기술적 우수성 | 단순성 |
Fundamental 선택 기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족 |
기술적 우수성
Lean 선택 핵심 프로세스를 손쉽게 처리 |
기술적 우수성
Extended 선택 혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화 |
기술적 우수성
Xpert 선택 가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족 |
기술적 우수성
구성에 따라 다름 |