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iTHERM TrustSens TM372 Hygienic compact thermometer, US Style

iTHERM TrustSens TM372
Compact thermometer

Imperial RTD thermometer with self-calibration technology for hygienic applications

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사양 정보

  • Response time

    t50 = 2,5 s
    t90 =9,5s

  • Max. process pressure (static)

    at 20 °C: 40 bar (580 psi)

  • Operating temperature range

    PT 100:
    -40 °C …160 °C (-40 °F …320 °F),
    optional up to 190 °C (374 °F)

  • Max. immersion length on request

    up to 28'' (711 mm)
    others on request

적용 분야

The award-winning smart temperature probe with integrated HART® transmitter and Heartbeat Technology features the world’s first RTD sensor unit capable of fully automated in-situ self-calibration. It effectively eliminates the risk of undetected non-conformities, reduces production downtime and increases product safety and process efficiency in applications of the food & beverage and life sciences industries. The device is fully compliant to FDA 21 CFR Part 11 regulations and GMP rules.

  • Specially designed for use in hygienic and aseptic applications in the food & beverage and life sciences industries

  • Measuring range: –40 to 190 °C (–40 to 374 °F)

  • Pressure range up to 50 bar (725 psi)

  • Protection class: IP65/67 or IP69

  • Communication: Analog output 4 to 20 mA, HART® protocol



  • 하트비트 기술
    Heartbeat Technology 기반 스마트 계측 시스템

    진단, 검증 및 모니터링 기능으로 구성된 하트비트 기술은 안정적이고 심층적인 센서 및 공정 인사이트를 제공함으로써 스마트 계기를 더욱 스마트하게 활용할 수 있게 해줍니다.

  • iTHERM TrustSens 자가 교정 위생 RTD 센서

    FDA, GMP 규정을 빈틈없이 준수하고자 하는 생명과학과 식음료 산업군에 최적화된 자가 교정이 가능한 세계 최초의 온도 센서 기술

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