Simplified quality control in distilleries
Waldbrand Distillery monitors alcohol concentration using Teqwave
Waldbrand Destillerie now uses Teqwave from Endress+Hauser as a measuring device for monitoring alcohol concentration that can compensate for cross-influences from sugar or mineral content, enabling automatic measurement of the actual alcohol content. Teqwave also meets the requirement of being adaptable to beverage-specific properties. This makes it possible to continuously determine the alcohol content of distilled beverages accurately, even in the presence of sugar/invert sugar, acids, etc.
The result
Simultaneous and automatic concentration measurement of alcohol and sugar/invert sugar in distilled beverages with various concentration ranges thanks to preinstalled concentration data sets
Increased measuring accuracy even for difficult applications thanks to product-specific recipes and compensation for cross-influences such as mineral content, acid, etc.
Multivariable measurement for concentration of cleaning agents and disinfectants using only one measuring system
Simple cleaning of the sensor in the process
Reliable measuring performance with low maintenance effort
The customer requirement
Determining the alcohol concentration of distilled beverages before bottling ensures a consistently high product quality. Waldbrand GmbH previously measured the alcohol concentration manually, and adapted the alcohol content measurement for distilled beverages with sugar content via extensive manual calculations, a time-consuming and error-prone process. They wished to simplify the calculation of the actual alcohol concentration and a robust, accurate measuring device that is easy to clean.
Our solution
Teqwave can simultaneously measure alcohol and sugar/invert sugar concentration in distilled beverages. Preinstalled and beverage-specific concentration data sets enable plug-and-play measurements over various concentrations and temperatures; also recipes can be stored. This ensures consistently high accuracy and product quality, even under differing process conditions. The CIP capability of the sensor and the robust stainless-steel design enable simple cleaning in the process without removal.
Device used
The Ultrasonic concentration meter Teqwave I continuously measures the alcohol and sugar content of distilled beverages while taking various concentration data sets into account. These beverages include:
Gin, rum, fruit spirits
Single-malt whiskey with honey, etc."
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