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Single-use capacitive foam detector Liquicap FTZ61 with self-adhesive sensor FZZ61

Single-use capacitive foam detection Liquicap FTZ61

For foam detection in single-use bioreactors without medium contact

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사양 정보

  • Min. density of medium

    no limitations

적용 분야

Liquicap FTZ61 is a compact foam detector based on capacitive measurement that reliably detects foam level in non-conductive containers, e. g. plastic or glass, in particular single-use bags for cell culture. Thanks to the self-adhesive sensor FZZ61, that can be easily attached to the bag from outside without medium contact, the sensor-transmitter duo offers a non-invasive solution to detect foam.

Designed for single-use bioreactors, Liquicap FTZ61 excels in detecting foam during critical fermentation processes in Life Sciences. This optimizes batch productivity and ensures product integrity, while reducing contamination risks.


  • Non-contact measurement: Eliminates contamination risk and cleaning effort, ensuring safety and cost-efficiency

  • Self-adhesive single-use sensor: Easy mounting and removal of sensor to streamline the process, enhancing convenience

  • Proven capacitive technology: No extensive validation needed, allowing for quick implementation and reliability

  • Safe foam detection: Reduces risks by controlling anti-foam agent use, improving process safety and product quality

  • Compact design: Ideal for space-limited applications, offering flexibility in single-use bioprocessing setups

  • Versatile foam measurement: Capable of measuring various foams, ensuring adaptability across different applications

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