Prothermo NMT532는 재고 관리를 위해 정밀한 평균 온도 센서가 탑재된 본질 안전 다중 신호 컨버터입니다. 다양한 탱크 게이징 어플리케이션을 위한 고성능 솔루션으로, HART 통신을 통해 일정한 평균 온도 데이터를 제공합니다. 상거래와 정확한 재고 측정을 위해 Micropilot 레이다 탱크 게이지와 함께 Proservo NMS5 또는 Tank Side Monitor NRF590에 연결하는 데 가장 적합합니다.
To meet the challenges of temperature monitoring in such critical processes, a thermowell design has been developed that responds to process changes up to five times faster than standard designs.
The inner temperature of the reactors during the sulfur reaction must be continuously and accurately monitored to prevent plant shutdowns and optimize the energy consumption.
The Prothermo NMT532 is multi-spot Pt100 average thermometer combine
with a HART signal converter to meet the demand of temperature
measurement for inventory control applications. The NMS532 consists of
Max.6 temp. elements which have different lengths with fixed (2,3m)
The Prothermo NMT532 is multi-spot Pt100 average thermometer combine with a HART signal converter to meet the demand of temperature measurement for inventory control applications. The NMS532 consists of Max.6 temp. elements which have different lengths with fixed (2,3m) interval