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Overfill Prevention System SOP300 Cabinet

Overfill Prevention System SOP300

For reliable and secure tank overfill prevention

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추가 질문이 있으시면 Endress+Hauser 영업 파트너에게 문의하십시오.

적용 분야

The Overfill Prevention System complies with API2350 and WHG. It works as automatic or manual system and can detect signals for overflow, pump protection and leakage in the base of the tank and issue alarms. If a defined level is overshot/undershot, or if a leak is detected, the system automatically activates signaling elements and outputs relevant messages on a display. The system is designed for up to 128 tanks and has an automated proof-test sequence. A report can be created and exported.

The Overfill Prevention System has been designed as a safety function for the monitoring of critical levels (HH, H, L, LL) in tanks. It is also possible to monitor leaks in tanks and tank pipes in the tank basin. Appropriate sensors must be used for monitoring. The Overfill Prevention System must be installed in a safe environment (not in hazardous areas or Ex zones). We recommend that you install the Overfill Prevention System in a dry, air-conditioned room.


  • High level of confidence and reliability thanks to a fully independent solution in accordance with API2350.

  • A safe investment, as the solution is modular, scalable and extensible.

  • Integrated, automated proof testing shortens the time for commissioning and maintenance.

  • Detailed warnings and alarms help users to make quick decisions and take immediate action.

  • Seamless integration into monitoring systems for remote monitoring via standard interfaces such as Modbus TCP.

  • Reduced engineering and commissioning time and lower maintenance costs.

  • 단순 제품

  • 손쉬운 선택, 설치 및 작동

기술적 우수성


  • 기본 제품

  • 신뢰성, 내구성, 유지보수가 쉬움

기술적 우수성


  • 하이엔드 제품

  • 우수한 기능성과 편리성

기술적 우수성


  • 전문 제품

  • 까다로운 어플리케이션을 위한 설계

기술적 우수성


구성에 따라 다름

FLEX 선택 기술적 우수성 단순성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental 선택

기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean 선택

핵심 프로세스를 손쉽게 처리

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended 선택

혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert 선택

가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족

기술적 우수성

구성에 따라 다름