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iTHERM TMS02 MultiSens Flex Multipoint

iTHERM MultiSens Flex TMS02
Multipoint thermometer

Direct contact TC/RTD temperature profiling solution with 3D-bendable sensors with diagnostic chamber for oil, gas and petrochemical applications

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사양 정보

  • Accuracy

    class 2 acc. to IEC 60584
    ASTM E230 and ANSI MC 96.1
    IEC/Class A
    IEC/Class AA

  • Response time

    depending on configuration:
    t50 = 2 s
    t90 = 5 s
    t50 = 0,8s
    t90 = 2s

  • Max. process pressure (static)

    at 20 °C: 200 bar (2900 psi)

  • Operating temperature range

    Type K:
    max. 1.150 °C
    (max. 2.102 °F)
    Type J:
    max. 720 °C
    (max. 1.328 °F)
    Type N:
    max. 1.100 °C
    (max. 2.012 °F)
    Pt100 WW; 3mm; 316L; -200...600oC
    Pt100 WW; 6mm; 316L; -200...600oC
    Pt100 TF; 3mm; 316L; -50…400oC
    Pt100 TF; 6mm; 316L; -50…400oC
    Pt100 StrongSens; 6mm; 316L; -50…500oC

  • Max. immersion length on request

    up to 30.000,00 mm (1181'')

적용 분야

The iTHERM TMS02 MultiSens Flex can be customized for various applications: Bendable into a 3D layout, it provides a complete temperature profile using only a single process connection. The device is configurable with or without thermowells for optimal response times, mechanical strength or sensors replaceability. It is available with either TC/RTD technology or with our iTHERM StrongSens and features an advanced diagnostics chamber for additional safety.

  • Petrochemical industry

  • Heavy Chemical processes


  • Infinite layouts of 3D sensors distribution for any desired process monitoring configuration

  • High degree of customization thanks to a modular product design for easy installation, process integration and maintenance

  • High degree of insert process compatibility as per standard IEC 60584, ASTM E230 and IEC 60751

  • On-board electronic heat protection for highest product durability

  • Compliance to different types of protection for use in hazardous locations for easy process integration

  • Diagnostic chamber as secondary process barrier for additional safety, capable of pressure monitoring for predictive maintenance through advanced diagnostics


Xpert 선택

  • 전문 제품

  • 까다로운 어플리케이션을 위한 설계

기술적 우수성


구성에 따라 다름

Xpert: Master your most challenging applications ©Endress+Hauser
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  • 손쉬운 선택, 설치 및 작동

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  • 신뢰성, 내구성, 유지보수가 쉬움

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  • 하이엔드 제품

  • 우수한 기능성과 편리성

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  • 까다로운 어플리케이션을 위한 설계

기술적 우수성


구성에 따라 다름

FLEX 선택 기술적 우수성 단순성
  • F
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  • E
  • X

Fundamental 선택

기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean 선택

핵심 프로세스를 손쉽게 처리

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended 선택

혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert 선택

가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족

기술적 우수성

구성에 따라 다름

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