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Flowfit CPA240 - Flow assembly for high temperatures and pressures

Flow assembly
Flowfit CPA240

Durable assembly for the chemical, petrochemical, and power industries

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가격: 정보 제공

사양 정보

  • Process temperature

    PVDF version: 0 to 120 °C (32 to 248 °F)
    Stainless steel version: -15 to 150 °C (5 to 302 °F)
    With EPDM: -15 to 140 °C (5 to 284 °F)

  • Process pressure

    PVDF version: max. 8 bar at 50 °C (max. 116 psi at 122 °F)
    Stainless steel version: max. 10 bar (max. 145 psi)

적용 분야

The Flowfit CPA240 flow assembly is designed for all demanding applications where high temperatures and pressures are involved. With its various connections, Flowfit flexibly adapts to your process offering space for three sensors. Simple installation and removal of the sensors save time for maintenance and recalibration.

Flowfit CPA240 is intended to be used in pipes in:

  • Chemical industry

  • Petrochemical industry

  • Power plants and waste incinerating plants

  • Extractive metallurgy and metal processing

  • Drinking water treatment plants

It is suitable for use with pressures of up to 10 bar (stainless steel) or 8 bar (PVDF).


  • Simple installation and removal of the electrode holder (e.g. for calibration)

  • Flexible connection to the process by means of various connectors and installation versions

  • Less condensation due to a Goretex filter

  • Reduces installation effort by providing 3 mounting positions for 120 mm sensors or an optional cleaning unit

기존 제품

  • 단순 제품

  • 손쉬운 선택, 설치 및 작동

기술적 우수성


  • 기본 제품

  • 신뢰성, 내구성, 유지보수가 쉬움

기술적 우수성


  • 하이엔드 제품

  • 우수한 기능성과 편리성

기술적 우수성


  • 전문 제품

  • 까다로운 어플리케이션을 위한 설계

기술적 우수성


구성에 따라 다름

FLEX 선택 기술적 우수성 단순성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental 선택

기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean 선택

핵심 프로세스를 손쉽게 처리

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended 선택

혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert 선택

가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족

기술적 우수성

구성에 따라 다름