키워드, 주문 또는 제품 코드 또는 일련 번호를 검색해 보십시오(예: “CM442” 또는 “기술 정보”).
검색하려면 최소 2자 이상 입력하십시오.

Certified Basic PROFINET Technology

A hands-on based course, recognized in all industries

The “PROFINET for the Process Automation” class focuses on the usage of the PROFINET Technology in the industrial environment featuring the new Ethernet-APL technology.
This course covers all important topics for process automation and shows you how to use PROFINET and Ethernet-APL technology optimally in your application to operate your plant profitably.

21.10.2025 - 22.10.2025
Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG
Christoph Merian-Ring 4
CH-4153 Reinach
제공 언어

추가 정보

Certified Basic PROFINET Technology ©Endress+Hauser
