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HAW566 DIN rail surge protective device for installation in the control cabinet

HAW566 surge protective device

HAW566 DIN rail surge protective device for installation in the control cabinet for power supply and communication signals with SIL and optional Ex approval

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적용 분야

The HAW566 surge protective device is used to protect electronic components from being destroyed. It ensures that overvoltage surges which occur in signal cables (e.g. 4 to 20 mA), in communication lines of Field buses (HART, PA, FF) and in power lines are safely limited or passed into the ground. The functionality of the electronic component to be protected is not affected as, using the impedance-free connection of the protection unit, interference voltage drops cannot be introduced.

  • Surge protective devices are used to weaken residual currents from upstream lightning protection steps and to limit system-induced or system-generated overvoltage surges

  • HAW566 units are primarily used in process automation and in measuring and communication technology within the water & wastewater, chemical, oil & gas as well as power & energy industry


  • Increased plant availability as surge protective device is perfectly matched to the electronic components involved in process automation and process measuring technology

  • Protection of investment-intensive measuring devices

  • Optional available with intrinsically safe approvals for the application in Ex areas

  • Optional available with SIL3

Fundamental 선택

  • 단순 제품

  • 손쉬운 선택, 설치 및 작동

기술적 우수성


FLEX: Fundamental ©Endress+Hauser
  • 단순 제품

  • 손쉬운 선택, 설치 및 작동

기술적 우수성


  • 기본 제품

  • 신뢰성, 내구성, 유지보수가 쉬움

기술적 우수성


  • 하이엔드 제품

  • 우수한 기능성과 편리성

기술적 우수성


  • 전문 제품

  • 까다로운 어플리케이션을 위한 설계

기술적 우수성


구성에 따라 다름

FLEX 선택 기술적 우수성 단순성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental 선택

기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean 선택

핵심 프로세스를 손쉽게 처리

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended 선택

혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화

기술적 우수성
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert 선택

가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족

기술적 우수성

구성에 따라 다름

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